The Effect of Sound Direction on Frequency Tuning in Mouse Inferior Collicular Neurons
David Cain and Philip H.-S. Jen
Role for Nitric Oxide But Not Prostaglandins in Acetylcholine-Induced Relaxation of Rat Cremaster Third-Order Arterioles in 5-Hour Ischemia-Reperfusion Control Rats
D.M. Borsch, E.V. Cilento and F.D. Reilly
Erythrophagocytosis and Iron Deposition in Atherosclerotic Lesions
Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Fan-Yen Lee, jong-Hwei S. Pang and Lee-Young Chau
Fractal Geometry in Urodynamics of Lower Urinary Tract
Shyang Chang, Shu-Ting Mao, Tong-Po Kuo, Shih-Jen Hu, Wen-Ching Lin and Chen-Li Cheng
A Further Investigation of ATP-Induced Calcium Mobilization in MDCK Cells
Chung-Ren Jan, Sheng-Nan Wu and Ching-Jiunn Tseng
Variation of Capsaicin-Sensitive Motor Activities along the Rat Gastrointestinal Tract
Full-Young Chang, Chih-Yen Chen, Tseng-Shing Chen, Shou-Dong Lee, Ming-Luen Doong and Paulus S. Wang
Endothelium Dependent and Independent Relaxations Induced by Ceramide in Vascular Smooth Muscles
Jong-Shiaw Jin, Chien-Sung Tsai, Xiaochen Si and R. Clinton Webb