台灣明年首次主辦Keystone 會議,歡迎報名參加
中國生理學會 貴會員 您好:
台灣首次爭取到舉辦2019 Keystone symposium: Innate Immunity Receptors
 (   http://www.keystonesymposia.org/index.cfm?e=web.Meeting.Program&meetingid=1648) (March 10-14, 2019) (詳如附件), 實為不易, 請大家踴躍參加及支持, 並把此消息週知國內外的專家學者及博士後.
Keystone Symposia, a non-profit organization dedicated to connecting the scientific community for the benefit of the world community and accelerating life science discovery, conducts scientific conferences on biomedical and life science topics in relaxing environments that catalyze information exchange and networking. Meetings are designed to encourage scientists to discuss the newest ideas, discoveries, and technologies with their colleagues in an atmosphere conducive to creative thinking. Symposia locations are usually winter and mountain retreats selected for relaxed environments that optimize information exchange and promote collaborative relationships.
Journal of Physiological Investigation 編輯部
TEL : +886(6)-235-3535 ext.5051

理事長 (President)

李昆澤 教授

秘書長(Secretary general)

林雅婷 助理教授

