【IUPS 2025】Call-for-Symposium for IUPS 2025 Congress in Frankfurt

The international programme committee

IUPS and Europhysiology partner societies invite you to submit symposium proposals. Symposia are an essential part of the congress and should reflect cutting edge science in all subdisciplines of physiology. Don’t miss the chance to present your field of interest to the global physiological community
We are looking for Symposia covering hot topics in Physiology and creating something greater than the sum of their parts. We want to see speakers chosen whose ideas synergize with one another or perhaps create discord. Either way, we want symposia submissions that help moving the field forward and address significant physiological problems with interdisciplinary endeavours.
Up to 24 symposia will be selected by the IUPS/Europhysiology Programme Committee. Each will last 1 hour and 30 minutes and must address scientific issues around a coherent theme of interest to a broad audience.
Choice of Chairpersons and Speakers
The basic criteria for selection are the scientific interest of the topics, the achievements of the speakers in the field, and their ability to present their work to a broad multidisciplinary audience. Preference will be given to symposia that tackle a topic from various angles and aim to present different views and opinions rather than presenting the work of collaborating groups. The balance of gender, ‘scientific seniority’ and geographical distribution of the affiliation of speakers will be taken into consideration by the Program Committee in the selection procedure.
A proposal includes 4 speakers. Two senior speakers (30 min) + 2 early career speakers ( max. 10 years after graduation; 15 min) Symposia are chaired by 1 or (facultatively) 2 persons who are responsible to lead the discussion during the session. No more than 1 chairperson can be among the speakers. Early career as well as senior scientists are encouraged to participate in the proposals. However, all speakers should be experienced in presenting their research to a broad multidisciplinary audience.
The involvement of scientists should involve any scientist from any country as chairperson and/or speaker. The proposed speakers/chairpersons at the symposium should preferably belong to different countries. Never exceed 2 speakers from the same country, provided that they are from different institutions.
Eligibility of proposals for symposia is depending on the inclusion of both genders in the list of speakers. Single-gender symposia will not be considered.
No member of the Program or Organizing Committee can be proposed as chairperson or speaker.
Individuals can participate only once as speaker. Individuals can participate only once as chair.
Dates and Deadlines
October 20, 2023. Online submission for symposium proposals open
February 22, 2024. Deadline for symposium proposals
Decision on Proposals
The Program Committee will examine all proposals, which are complete and follow the rules. Proposals may be accepted as they stand. In some cases, the Program Committee may accept a proposal provided that the organizers include modifications necessary to improve the proposal and/or to make it coherent with other selected symposia.  Decisions will be sent by email to the participants shortly after the Program Committee meeting following the deadline for submissions The proposals will be accepted only once the organizers have replied, accepted the congress conditions and confirmed their participation.
Speakers of accepted symposia can be partially supported (up to 2000 € / symposium). It is expected that organizers and speakers (in particular members of Europhysiology related societies) find (additional) funding for travel, accommodation and other expenses from other sources. IUPS, with the support of national societies will strive to get additional funding for overseas speakers.
Necessary Items for Proposal Submission (https://www.iups2025.com/call-for-symposia/ )
List of items necessary to include in the forms during the submission period:
Proposal page
•      Title: < 150 characters.
•      Brief description: 250 words maximum
Chairperson & speaker pages
•      Title of presentation (for speakers only): < 150 characters
•      Name, status, affiliation, country, email
•      Publications: up to five relevant publications in the last 5 years
Ulrich Pohl, FAPS, MAE                                       Fabio Benfenati, MD
Prof (em) Cardiovascular Physiology                     Professor of Neurophysiology, 
LMU Munich, Germany                                           University of Genova
Secretary General IUPS                                           FEPS President
ISPC Co-chair                                                           ISPC Co-chair
Journal of Physiological Investigation 編輯部
TEL : +886(6)-235-3535 ext.5051

理事長 (President)

李昆澤 教授

秘書長(Secretary general)

林雅婷 助理教授

