Full Text Issues
[2010] Volume 53 - No. 6


CJP Editorial Board & Instructions to Authors


Neurolinguistic Findings on the Language Lexicon: The Special Role of Proper Names
Horst M. Müller

Messages in Spike Timing-Dependent Plasticity: Pros and Cons
Daisuke Ishikawa and Yuji Ikegaya

Odour Transduction in Olfactory Receptor Neurons
Jean-Pierre Rospars, Yuqiao Gu, Alexandre Grémiaux, and Philippe Lucas

The Copula Approach to Characterizing Dependence Structure in Neural Populations
Rick L. Jenison

Functional Interactions in Hierarchically Organized Neural Networks Studied with Spatiotemporal Firing Patterns and Phase-Coupling Frequencies
Stephen Perrig, Javier Iglesias, Vladislav Shaposhnyk, Olga Chibirova, Pierre Dutoit, Jérémie Cabessa, Katerina Espa-Cervena, Laurent Pelletier, François Berger, and Alessandro E.P. Villa

Leaky Integrate and Fire Models Coupled through Copulas: Association Properties of the Interspike Intervals
Laura Sacerdote and Massimiliano Tamborrino

A Hierarchical Classification of First-Order Recurrent Neural Networks
Jérémie Cabessa and Alessandro E.P. Villa

Accuracy in Estimating Motor Commands Using Neuronal Population Coding
Shigefumi Hata

Effects of Transient Receptor Potential-Like Current on the Firing Pattern of Action Potentials in the Hodgkin-Huxley Neuron during Exposure to Sinusoidal External Voltage
Bing-Shuo Chen, Yi-Ching Lo, Yen-Chin Liu, and Sheng-Nan Wu

Fine Frequency-Modulation Trigger Features of Midbrain Auditory Neurons Extracted by the Progressive Thresholding Method — A Preliminary Study
T.R. Chang, T.W. Chiu, X. Sun, and Paul W.F. Poon

Stochastic Model Shows How Cochlear Implants Process Azimuth in Real Auditory Space
Marek Drapal and Petr Marsalek

Spiking Neural Networks with Different Reinforcement Learning (RL) Schemes in a Multiagent Setting
Chris Christodoulou and Aristodemos Cleanthous

Neuronal Jitter: Can We Measure the Spike Timing Dispersion Differently?
Lubomir Kostal and Petr Marsalek

Responses of Midbrain Auditory Neurons in Rats to FM and AM Tones Presented Simultaneously
M.F. Lee, Edmund C. So, and Paul W.F. Poon

Letter from Editor

Future Articles

2011FAOPS Information

Author Index for Volume 53

(Vol53 No6P) Subject Index for Volume 53








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